Friday, September 16, 2016

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry: Tooth Preservation and Replacement
If you lose a tooth, you'll find that your dentist will want to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible. Not only does having a full set of teeth look good, but it's healthier in the long run. Bacteria like to hang out in the gaps in your mouth, so your dentist will recommend filling the hole where your tooth once was. This is called restorative dentistry, which is a combination of function and aesthetics. Jersey City dentist Dr. Niketh Srinivasa offers crowns, bridges, dentures, and other services to keep your mouth as healthy as possible.

Types of Restorative Dentistry
Your dentist can restore missing teeth through the following methods:
  • Bridges - Bridges use your existing teeth to help fill in a gap. These teeth keep the bridge together. The dentist will take a mold of the gap and send it to the lab so it can create a natural-looking tooth. This tooth is called a pontic and is made of porcelain, metal or alloys.
  • Crowns - Crowns refer to the white, visible part of the teeth. Sometimes it is advisable to replace crowns due to decay, cracks, discoloration and other issues that cannot be fixed by other means. It is recommended that you get a porcelain crown so that it looks natural and blends in with your other teeth. Your dentist must file down some enamel in order for the crown to fit. The entire process takes 2-3 visits.
Look and Feel Better With Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry fixes oral issues preserves oral health and makes your mouth look better. Fill in your gaps today. Schedule a consultation by calling Jersey City dentist Dr. Niketh Srinivasa at (201) 333-0883.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Preventative Dentistry

Do you have a regular dentist that you can trust, and who you can turn to when you need preventative dental services on a regular basis? If you don’t have a dentist who you can rely on for regular checkups and other preventative maintenance in Jersey City, New Jersey, then this is a consideration that you will want to make. When choosing a Jersey City, New Jersey dental practitioner, give consideration to Niketh Srinivasa of Jersey City Dentistry for the quality services you seek.

Benefits of Preventative Dentistry
There are many benefits of preventative dentistry, though they should be pretty straight forward if you think about them. Keeping your teeth healthy before problems arise is a lot easier than treating problems as they occur. Rather than treating cavities or replacing lost teeth, why not just administer routine cleanings and other preventative measures to keep things in check? Preventative dentistry also happens to be a lot more cost effective in comparison to treating problems after they become serious. Why would you pay so much for root canals and other serious repairs when you could pay for inexpensive routine maintenance?

You should be seeking out a dentist that you can trust and rely on for all the dental services you need. Whether you’re looking for routine maintenance or emergency services, there should always be a dentist available to you when you need one. Give our office a call today at 201-333-0883 to find out about the services that we offer and what we can do for you.